the meaning of life
“All this” – life, the stories of the Bible, history, religion, wars, peace, every instance of being that ever was or ever will be
“so that we” – each one of us, collectively and individually at once
“will” – the acting out of the free will God gave us, what separates us from robots
“choose” – make a choice, opt for
“LOVE” – be all in for, be committed to, revere, hold dearest to
“Him” – Jesus Christ, Son of God, Christ, Messiah, Yeshua (to be accurate)
“when given” – implies that we have been handed something free of charge, like a gift, past and present tense
“the option” – implies there is a choice, for or against, yes or no
“to not” – opting for the negative of something, forsaking the positive
We are given a choice. Choose (respect, follow, worship, LOVE) the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ – or – don’t and fall away to sin and darkness.
All of the Old Testament points to a Messiah, and all of the New Testament shows that Messiah coming to earth and saving us from our sins and ourselves. Releasing us from satan’s grip…IF WE CHOOSE to accept the Messiah’s gift.
Everything that has happened or will ever happen to us has provided new paths to walk. Some make us turn left, some make us turn right. Our lives are dictated by our actions – or more accurately, by our REACTIONS – to events.
How on earth did I come up with this?
They were holding a refresher course, like a Bible 101 class, at a former church of mine and the teacher was doing his normal thing. At some point, I got the urge to write down a phrase. It just came to me and I scribbled it on the corner of our class handout and slid it over to April to read. I thought it was profound, but that wasn’t pride or arrogance talking…because I seriously believe the Holy Spirit gave these words to me.
I held on to these words for some time, not really ever putting them out there until this article. I feel the meaning of life, the reason for the Bible, the reason for trying to reach every single person with the message of Christ can be summed up in 15 words.
For you Biblical numbers fans, 15 is the number of DIVINE GRACE! More on that here.
Choose Him and choose eternal salvation.