Category: Politics


WARNING: THERE BE CONSPIRACY HERE! Is President Obama setting up his government takeover exactly like Emperor Palpatine did in the Star Wars saga? 1. Palpatine, under the guise of Darth Sidious, persuaded several planetary systems to break off from the Senate and form the Confederacy. The Obama Administration, via the webwork of associates it ... Read More
May 3, 2012


We’ve all heard - some have even read - the famous children’s poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” But, have you ever really given it a good look? Although some reports base the creation of this poem on an actual event of a girl named Mary taking her pet lamb to school ... Read More
March 6, 2012


The Book 1 Corinthians 13 - which is all about love - is placed between chapters 12 and 14 as a buffer zone to calm the people. The church members in Corinth that Paul was writing to were arguing whether or not if speaking in tongues was the best gift of Spirit. They were at odds and splitting ... Read More
March 6, 2012