Episode 127 MakingStarWars.net’s “Now, This Is Podcasting!”
Making Star Wars
Episode 127 MakingStarWars.net’s “Now, This Is Podcasting!”

This episode is brought to you by Topps Digital Star Wars Card Trader! Be sure to download the app today and trade with the MakingStarWars team! And by Funko’s Smuggler’s Bounty! Don’t forget to sign up for the Bounty Hunters box by May 15th!
Join Jason, Randy, Sal, Saf, and Max on the latest episode of “Now, This Is Podcasting!” – When Harry Met Chewie
On this week’s show:
iTunes has new exclusive The Force Awakens content!
The British royals visited the set of Star Wars: Episode VIII
Oscar Isaac talks the feel of Episode VIII
Amazing fan art of the Luke and Rey costume descriptions
Is Yoda in Episode VIII?
Visit the podcast network page to find where to subscribe!