Episode 148 MakingStarWars.net’s Now, This Is Podcasting!

This episode is brought to you by Topps Digital Star Wars Card Trader! Be sure to download the app today and trade with the MakingStarWars team! And by Funko’s Smuggler’s Bounty! Subscribe at SmugglersBounty.com!
On this week’s show:
Buy a sketch for charity from Sketch Wars!
Hasbro 6″ Black Series Rogue One figures discussion
Two new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story international posters
Michael Giacchino is scoring Rogue One
Battlefront Death Star DLC trailer
Corey’s Hasbro Q & A
Star Wars Rebels Meet the Bendu clip
Bo-Katan confirmed for Rebels appearance
Episode titles for the first 6 episodes of Rebels season 3
Adam Driver talks Episode VIII

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