Episode 174 MakingStarWars.net’s “Now, This Is Podcasting!”
Making Star Wars
Episode 174 MakingStarWars.net’s “Now, This Is Podcasting!”
This episode is brought to you by Topps Digital Star Wars Card Trader! Be sure to download the app today and trade with the MakingStarWars team! And by Funko’s Smuggler’s Bounty: the only official Star Wars subscription box. Subscribe at SmugglersBounty.com!
Join Jason, Randy, and Sal on the latest episode of “Now, This Is Podcasting!”
On this week’s show:
Star Wars Rebels‘ “Twin Suns” episode discussion
Funko’s Smuggler’s Bounty unboxing
Frank Oz Jr. on Yoda and The Last Jedi
Star Wars land construction actually looks like something
Minor location shooting details from the untitled Han Solo film
Pod People!

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