UPDATE! Awesome 10 Minute Star Wars: The Force Awakens VFX Reel for Oscar Considertaion, Plus 1 Hour of Q&A with J.J. Abrams and Crew for the VES Awards!
Star Wars News Net
UPDATE! Awesome 10 Minute Star Wars: The Force Awakens VFX Reel for Oscar Considertaion, Plus 1 Hour of Q&A with J.J. Abrams and Crew for the VES Awards!

The Oscars are just over a month away (Sunday, February 28, 2016). It’s a no-brainer that Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be a contender in some of the technical categories. The movie has a real chance of winning the award for Best Visual Effects, although the competition is really tough this year. Lucasfilm released […]
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