Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray details!
EW has released the details of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3D set. The set will hit overseas on Halloween and then be released in the U.S. on November 15th. I can’t lie, I just bought a new 4k 3D TV for this vary occasion so I’m really jazzed. It looks like the release will have a lot of the content the standard release for Star Wars: The Force Awakens did not and seeing that film again in 3D is going to be awesome.
The details EW released:
A look at how sound technicians blend action with audio effects in the featurette Foley: A Sonic Tale.
Sounds of the Resistance, another audio themed doc showing how the sound designers blended real recordings into otherworldly effects in the film.
Deleted Scenes – While there were a handful of deleted footage on the original Blu-ray, this one promises even more “never-before-shared” scenes.
Dressing the Galaxy – A look at how wardrobe designs from the original trilogy were retooled by costume designer Michael Kaplan to fit the galaxy three decades later.
Daisy Ridley and John Boyega share a conversation in The Scavenger and the Stormtrooper, a featurette that was released only on the previous disc as an exclusive at Target stores.
Inside the Armory – A tour of the various weapons and battle gear in the battle between the Resistance and The First Order.

Here’s when and where the set will debut:
Holland and Sweden, Oct. 31
Italy and Spain, Nov. 2
Australia, Nov. 9
U.S. and Canada, Nov. 15
Brazil, Nov. 16
Germany, Nov. 24
They’re also releasing the Target exclusive content from the last disc, which is a little annoying since I bought the Target version at a markup to obtain that content already. Either way, I’m still really excited for this release.